Playing hookie

I made a huge mistake in scheduling this year. Despite finally having enough tenure to have breathing room in the “vacation time” arena, when I planned the end of last year and the start of this year, I put all the fun stuff in the summer. I’d had a plan for a trip during April break, but when that didn’t quite work out I ended up not taking more than one day off at a time … between August of 2018 and June of 2019. This is what we call “a big mistake”. There’s no denying that I’ve been pretty crunchy-fried lately. So much to do at work. Lots to do at home. My obligations to my community… it all gets harder when you don’t give yourself periodic breaks.

When I realized this, in an exhausted fog, I immediately did the only sensible thing: I booked a getaway on the next weekend where it was plausible. This was still nearly two months ago, but finally the date came! The leaves are budding, the birds are singing and the vacation time is coming!

Our destination was Provincetown. I was there for an afternoon in September and found myself thinking what a lovely getaway spot it was – and nicely close to Boston! Going so early in May, we found that not everything was open yet (sadly, including the fast ferry). But it also meant the prices for a lovely tiny apartment were low, and everywhere we went all weekend, we could hear the locals and the seasonal crews all greeting each other and catching up after a winter apart.

We walked a lot, ate a lot of food, and did some mostly window shopping. The boys and Adam roleplayed for hours. There was reading time and puzzle time. And we watched The Matrix (Grey didn’t like it). It was absolutely perfect.

My boys in a stone tower
We climbed to the very top of the Pilgrim tower! It was a gorgeous view, and the day was unexpectedly lovely.
Me hugging my sons
I’m still not accepting that Grey is taller than me

Boy looking with binoculars under nautical bell with blue skies
Any blue sky we saw was an unexpected blessing. We’d expected all rain, all weekend

Me, on a stone breakwater
I walked most of the way down this breakwater. I got to watch seagulls breaking clams on the rocks!

Boys eating breakfast
Two boys and their dad playing roleplaying games at a small table
This was the only window where you could see the water, and the boys played a role playing game there the whole weekend

A boy and a very difficult puzzle
Why do I let Thane talk me into these puzzles? I stayed up until 12:30 last night to get it finished enough that he could put in the last pieces this morning

Me and my sons in front of a Cape Cod beach
We visited a few spots on the National Seashore, but it was pretty rainy and cold

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Brenda currently lives in Stoneham MA, but grew up in Mineral WA. She is surrounded by men, with two sons, one husband and two boy cats. She plays trumpet at church, cans farmshare produce and works in software.

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